Business and Project Management Program
Our program is guaranteed to increase your utilization rate, cash flow, and profit.
There are four reasons for project manager under achievement. First, managers’ skills are insufficient or inconsistent across the company. The second, is apathy and lack of discipline. Thirdly, due to culture traps that have developed over many years. Fourth, technology and changing delivery systems, such as design-build, present risks to an untrained team. Thus, project management proficiency is critical.
Traditional training does not change your employees’ mindset, behavior or performance. Unless you address the underlying business practices, cultural issues, and communication in your firm, you will get the same results.
Sending PMs to a two-day bootcamp doesn’t fix the bottlenecks holding your team back!
We will help you transform teams of people, and address the underlying issues that cause you to leak money and cause employee frustration.
FosterGrowth has partnered with AEC Business Solutions to elevate your project manager and division managers to "A-Team" proficiency. We will transform your culture to one where everyone understands how the business runs, is committed to working smarter, and is proficient at applying their skills to daily project challenges.
Our Project Manager Proficiency Program is built on three progressive levels of project management learning. The first is an engaging and flexible online course, Find the Lost Dollars Business and Project Management Learning, by AEC Business Solutions. The 2nd level is online group coaching sessions scheduled between on-line section completion that connects the course material to each participant's active projects. Thirdly, follow-on coaching explores changing project situations where group problem solving guided by an experienced project management expert engrains concepts to that their performance boost becomes permanent.
Who should participate? All persons who are mentors to managers, managers, and developing managers including finance and business unit leaders.
Complete the form on this page for a free consultation. Ask about our Executive Team learning and coaching programs too.
PS. If your firm has Massachusetts employees you are eligible for up to $20,000 a year in grants.
What Do Program Participants Have to Say?

Craig Tapley, Chief Financial Officer, Commonwealth Associates. (Planning, Consulting, and Engineering)
“Commonwealth Associates has fully committed to the Find the Lost Dollars Training Program enterprise-wide and has put two groups through the Find the Lost Dollars Program. …..
Between those groups, we’ve identified 3.5 million in lost dollars! We’ve revamped our Go/No Go Process, we have far fewer projects with write-offs, we’ve implemented a change order tracking form and have a new process to document those change orders (this alone has resulted in well over 500K). The biggest behavior changes we’ve seen in the training participants have to do with recognizing out-of-scope items and staying on schedule and budget. Find the Lost Dollars has had an impact on every aspect of our business management and our culture!”

Amber Adams, VP of Business Operations, QK. (Planning, Engineering, Survey and Environmental)
“Through our commitment to training all of our staff on the Find the Lost Dollars program, we have seen the significant culture change with the project managers group in many areas ….
including looking at project management as a value to the client, improving the way our budgets are prepared, defining a clear scope that addresses scope creep, increasing communication with the client, and realizing not all clients are good clients – we even fired one! And, in the year after completing our first round of training we saw our profits increase 4%!

Helen Apostolico, Principal & CFO, Landmark Science & Engineering. (Engineering, Survey, Environmental Science)
“Landmark Science & Engineering has recently completed our first group of leaders through the Find the Lost Dollars business training program and are thrilled with the response from our team. Our accountability has increased, we are all speaking the same financial language and our managers are paying more attention to their project budgets and profits. ...
We are all looking for “Lost Dollars” and have a better appreciation for finding and keeping great clients. We are getting ready to put our second group through the program. We believe the Find the Lost Dollars program has better prepared our company to survive the coming economic downturn and was done at the perfect time to ensure our firm’s future financial strength.”

Jeff Henson, VP of Operations, Banning Engineering. (Transportation, Environmental Engineering and Construction Services)
“We put a team through the Find the Lost Dollars program in early 2019 and now all of us constantly use the common language of “Finding the Lost Dollars” when we discuss financial terms related to projects, as well as company expenses and purchases. ...
We are implementing a lot of changes in our business processes and implementing best practices including not being afraid to charge our clients fair prices and addressing issues on projects more aggressively and standing up for our position. One of the biggest results of the training we’ve seen so far is that our project managers understand that our financial success, which relates to their financial success, relies on project financial outcomes!”
How does this structured learning program work?

Our Business Proficiency Program is a 3-level program that applies centuries old wisdom about effective learning.
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand” –Confucius, 451 B.C.
This structured learning program deepens the skills of each team member by using real-time project management activities. Each level advances your firm until you have secured premier business status.
Meet Your Facilitator

Doug Reed, P.E. spent over 30 years managing A/E/Env projects for firms ranging from 25 employees to 3000. He was a consistent top performer and was twice elected shareholder based on his contribution to the bottom line and his boost to the firm’s reputation. Doug has worked at every level, from staff engineer, project manager, division manager, board of director member and President & CEO.
Doug’s clients spanned many business sectors; private, institutional, agency, federal and municipal for example and he has employed many leading edge solutions. Since 2010 Doug has been providing growth and profit focused services to engineering, architectural and environmental firms in North America.
Watch Doug's Video
Overall Concept
- On‐Line Individual Learning
10 modules, scored to document learning (pace is customizable)
- Structured Review & Application Workshops (60-90 minute live instructor sessions)
10 group sharing and learning clinics between on‐line module completion
- Coaching (real project application) for permanent ingrained behavior (email, project
data review, phone consultations)
• Troubleshooting
• On Demand Individual Support
• Transform project managers into business leaders.
• Create a culture where everyone is looking for ways to improve financial results.
• Increase project profitability by 1‐5 percentage points.
• Implement more staff accountability and focus on measurable results.
• Improve internal processes and business management best practices.
• Create/track individual or team goals for continued future success.
• Improve communication across your leadership and project manager teams
• Keep your staff engaged with self‐paced, interactive, fun format
• No time out of the office or loss of billable time.
• Provide employee development investments producing a high return on investment.
Here’s How To Get Started
First, schedule a no-obligation conference call by choosing one of the following methods.
• Call: 617-758-7000
• Email: dreed@fostergrowth.biz
Then, bring your questions to the conference call. We can provide choices best suited for your needs. Our three levels represent the comprehensive program and there are various tiers available to you.